

ConsoleInteractive is a netstandard2 library that make it easy to parse and validate data from the console. It provide methods to request data in all basic C# types, and allow to create new input types


When I create small command line tools I kept rewriting input parse and validation, and despite great tools to parse arguments and to print output, I didn't find anything that could help me do it.


You can install it using nuget:

  • dotnet add package ConsoleInteractive --version 2.0.1
  • <PackageReference Include="ConsoleInteractive" Version="2.0.1" />
  • Install-Package ConsoleInteractive -Version 2.0.1

Register default components:

  • ConsoleI.RegisterDefaults()

How-to start

The easiest way to start using it is to clone the repo and see how the ConsoleInteractive.Demo is built, or by exploring this documentation